Regardless of what situation you are facing, life happens between your ears.

To have peace and fullness in life, there is only one true journey: the one within you.

Modelo atualizada

You don't have to make this trip alone.

Having a companion is a great way to take a new look at the multiple paths that life offers and the curves and obstacles that these paths present.


The detours in my life strengthened me and gave me resilience, but for several decisions in my life I could count on people who supported me.


In the beginning of my career as a doctor, I had the support of a very dear professor of mine. Throughout 20 years practicing medicine I had many advisors.


Later, I talked to many people and had a mentor/coach who was fundamental for my career as executive director.


Today I have a Coach who assists me in this process of self-knowledge so I can better serve my clients. I don’t see my life without the participation of a Coach.


Not to mention the courses, workshops and books that have always accompanied me.

What to expect from coaching with me:

What I offer you is to be by your side, to help you be conscious of your strengths, and identify with you what’s causing you restlessness.

Coaching is a professional conversation that helps you travel inside and make conscious decisions, wiser and more related to who you really are. 

It’s a process that connects you to your truth, a word that makes a lot of sense to me.

Vera in Portuguese means “truth.”

I used to perform surgeries as a doctor. I consider myself a person who can go deep, but with precision and kindness, just as a good surgeon does.

I’m a direct, sincere and loving person. You can expect that from me and, if I go too deep, let me know and I will decrease the intensity of the scalpel.

I’m a student of life.


I love learning, studying, and sharing what I’ve learned. I always want to plant good things in people’s hearts.


Helping others get to know who they are is my life’s mission and I’m here for you.


How about we take a walk together?